Tuesday, December 20, 2011

confession and skin care...

I am starting this blog with an embarrassing confession!  (bear with me...)

Skin care.... EVERY good makeup artist, understands the need to have beautiful skin.  It's like having a smooth canvas to paint on or painting on gravel.  I have been plagued with sensitive/oily skin which only means one thing--ACNE/blemishes are nothing foreign to me... GROSS!  I hate it, it has been so embarrassing to me (especially in my late 20's) that I did not want to leave my home, go anywhere, etc... I tried for a short while a VERY expensive product that had a special acne line... Because of my sensitive skin, it broke me out so bad!! I have NEVER had acne like that... EVER!!!!!  And here I was, almost 30 and I have adult acne.. SIGH... It was a very difficult time in my life (if you have been through this, you understand).

I am not an esthetician, but I am blessed with a sister who is... She gave me facials every 2 weeks, got me OFF of the "boutique" skin care that was obviously too harsh for my skin... and got me on the road to "semi-normalcy" .  It has been a QUEST for a long time to find products that are gentle enough for my sensitive skin, yet help my acne.  I have received samples from SUPER kind people--but I feel like I cannot get a good "read" on a product unless I use it for a month or more.

So, I have been using a skin regimen that seems to be working (not miraculously, but it's working nonetheless). I have been using the dermalogica special cleansing gel for many years... It is really good for a gentle cleanser!  The proactive Gentle formula is relatively new to me.  I made sure to use it for at LEAST a month before reviewing and I actually like it.  Everyone should get their skin assessed by a PROFESSIONAL, but here is my routine:

Wash Face with Proactiv Gentle cleanser
apply Proactiv clarifying day lotion (Gentle formula) (notice, no toner at this time)
Apply Cetaphil face moisturizer
*Continue with primer and makeup

Remove eye makeup with makeup remover
Wash face with Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel
Use Proactiv toner (Gentle formula)
Apply Proactiv clarifying night lotion (Gentle formula)
Apply Cetaphil Facial moisturizer
Apply Dermalogica Total Eye care

**I have used the regular proactiv, but I found it to be too harsh for my troubled skin. I have known MANY MANY people who it worked marvelously for and only led to FLAWLESS skin!

I still get in for a facial when my schedule permits... It REALLY helps!!!!  Don't neglect your skin!  Drinking plenty of water will help also...

Megan can be contacted at MeganMelone.com (Megan@MeganMelone.com

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